This will be part one of a two-part series involving leaderships skills. We begin with the most important part which is leading from the heart.
1.) Everything begins with compassion. We must be able to see things through the eyes of the people we will lead.
2.) Humility-This is the logical next step. Some, (many) will disagree with our viewpoint. We need to guard against an arrogance that demeans the person with whom we interact.
3.) Passion-It must be obvious to all that we believe with our entire heart in our position and direction. People will easily see through a smokescreen.
4.) Vision-It must also be obvious to all that we have a clear vision on how we will achieve our goals and objectives. People follow someone who knows where they are going and why they are going there.
5.) Courage-Being a leader is never easy. There will be obstacles. That is a given. We can't shrink in the face of roadblocks.
6.) Builder of teams and people-Leaders lift people up. Teams are built with people. So we must be able to help people go to levels they never thought they were capable of reaching.
7.) Listener and "noticer"-Leaders are great listeners. Managers merely wait for the other person to stop talking. Leaders listen. And they notice when people are struggling or need help. This all goes back to attitude.