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Pro-Life Servant Leadership

Are You Looking For Something Bigger Than Yourself?

Would you like to be part of a leadership team? Are you looking for something bigger than yourselves, something that can fully utilize your talents in service to others?


Do you want to be part of a group that welcomes all and works together to make a positive difference?

Connect with Ava or Gabbi by using the contact button at the bottom of the home page.

Answering Some Tough Questions

In this new section we will periodically add some answers to tough questions. Avoiding the difficult subjects doesn't make their impact go away.  It does however lead to missed opportunities to share some truth that could change minds.

You may click on this link to go to our full page that answers some of the tough questions.  After appearing here on our home page, they are moved to this dedicated spot for easy reference.

"It's Kind Of Murder...And I'm OK With It"

I've been met with angry glares and righteous indignation when I state that I actually have more respect for a person who tells me they are pro-abortion and proud of it, than the person who claims to be pro-life, but stands in the way of every effort to defend life or simply sits back and does nothing because it's easier or safer.


While we don't agree about the value of life, at least the people who admit they support abortion are honest in their belief.  Since my own credibility on this subject might be discounted, we'll give you a short video from a proven expert.

In this section about answering tough questions, the following seven and one half minutes gives plenty of answers.  And we also hear from a nationally known personality who was always a lightning rod for his brash comments, but in the past few years has made former fans squirm in their seats when he speaks honestly about things they don't like to admit. 

Another Successful Event

Our recent blanket and rosary making event was a big success. Twenty four team members showed up to make blankets for DeVos Children's Hospital and rosaries for Rachel's Vineyard. In all they made 32 blankets and 22 rosaries. 

"Baseline Truth"

Just below is part of an article titled "Common Sense Is Not Common." We've reprinted this section with permission from the authors. The theme of their story was that when "baseline truth" is used, most arguments can be solved. The key is accepting those truths that are fundamental and not subject to the whims of opportunism and profit.

"Lets talk about the hottest of hot buttons. No one-repeat, no one in the true pro-life movement thinks the life of the mother should not be considered in medical situations. The elitists know this is true, but they aren't bound by honesty. They are enticed by cash, however. Cash is king.

Miscarriage is not an abortion. Yes, the very clinical term calls it a spontaneous abortion, but common sense tells us this is not the debate. No one in the true pro life movement would ever deny medical care for a miscarriage. It's already established that no one in the true pro life movement is opposed to saving the life of the mother.

Ectopic pregnancy is not in the realm of abortion. No one in the true pro life movement would be opposed to protecting the life of the mother in this situation as in any other medical situation. That's just common sense. But common sense is not common.

We listened to endless commercials suggesting "those extremists" would let a women bleed out because of a miscarriage. They know it's a lie, but this new era doesn't deal in honest discussion. They use this tactic to divert attention from the truth. They need to remove the human factor. 

The people in the pro life movement, not the politicians who don't want a solution because they like the cash flow from the endless debate, but the common sense people of America don't hate women. Half the humans killed by abortion are women. They just believe innocent humans should be protected from violence. They believe women should be supported during pregnancy and afterward. They believe in paid leave, they believe in pre and post natal care for all. They believe killing the human because it isn't convenient is wrong. Just as nearly anyone would if the child was a year old. That's just common sense."

Funds Dispersal 

Based on the success of our recent bake "sale," we'll be donating $400 each, to the following organizations:

1.) Shared Pregnancy of Lansing

2.) Zion Food Pantry

3.) I M Kids

4.) PSIC

Thanks to all who helped make this event such a home run!

How We Work

Our Direction Is Based On Our Mission Statement

Our mission statement is the cornerstone that created our values and our vision. Everything builds off our mission.  

"We love, serve, and celebrate all life. We share truth and are witnesses to God's love for all people from conception to natural death." 

The Values That Guide Our Team

These are the values in order of importance that guide our team in everything we do and in how we plan for the next steps.

1.) Listen first with the intent to hear and understand.

2.) Welcome all to join our team.

3.) Encourage every member to grow in servant leadership.

4.) Serve and defend in support of all life, including the unborn and already born.

Some might ask "Why isn't the last one the most important?"  And that would be a good question.  The answer is, if we always stay true to that first value, we will accomplish all the rest. 

One Teamwork Idea To Ponder

"Teamwork Thought" for the week:

"The world is waiting for you to wake up to the person you are called to be. Stop listening to the negative inner conversation that's causing you to play small. Focus your mind on positive thoughts, possibilities and solutions that can move you forward. Tap into your creativity and determination and stay busy. Stay focused." 


Les Brown


Will It Slip Away?

Just below is a quote from a person who left the abortion industry.  The message is similar to that of Abby Johnson whose change of direction was highlighted in the movie, "Unplanned." 

"Abortion is a skillfully marketed product that is advertised and sold for profit. In our clinics, there was no such thing as 'choice.'  Our counselors were trained to sell abortions.  We even hired professional telemarketers to train our people to sell abortion over the phone.  Lies, manipulation, and pressure were all parts of our technique.  

Our number one priority was to get that woman to the clinic, get her money, and process her as quickly as possible to make room for the next customer. Along the way, we would be as nice to her as we possibly could so that later she would serve as a referral to her friends.  We even went so far as to sell abortions to women who weren't even pregnant."-Former abortion clinic owner/operator

Immediate reactions to reading these paragraphs could range from shock to sadness.  But more important would be the reactions and responses on the day after reading these words. Did we do anything about it?  Or did the shock and sadness just slip away?


In our state of Michigan there is a strong push to eliminate parental rights. The sitting governor called the removal of parental consent for abortion "a part of the original package and I was advocating for the whole package to get to my desk..."  The push to eliminate parental rights has not lost steam.  It didn't slip away.  There is too much money from abortions to let it slip away.

Will we match that energy and stand up for parental rights?  Or will it slip away?

By The Numbers

Did You Know?

Our team provides a free home-cooked meal to any family bringing home a new child.  We also offer that same free meal to any people going through the pain of miscarriage.  We know that pain as our family has faced it more than once.

Please let us know of any family in either situation.  We look forward to supporting them in every way we are able.  Use the contact form at the end of this page or text Emily Simon, our project coordinator at 517 285-6239.  


We have been able to bring meals to people in both scenarios over the past few months.

"Most Needed Items"

Here are our lists of most needed items in two different formats.

Upcoming Events

  • Pewamo Protect Life Euchre Tournament
    Pewamo Protect Life Euchre Tournament
    Sun, Feb 23
    Pewamo Community Center
    Feb 23, 2025, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
    Pewamo Community Center, 137 E Main St, Pewamo, MI 48873, USA
    Feb 23, 2025, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
    Pewamo Community Center, 137 E Main St, Pewamo, MI 48873, USA
    Join us on Sunday, February 23rd for our second annual euchre tournament. It is free to participate and the winning two person team will receive $200.
  • Live Stations Of The Cross Presentation
    Live Stations Of The Cross Presentation
    Sun, Apr 13
    PW High School Auditorium
    Apr 13, 2025, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
    PW High School Auditorium , 5101 Clintonia Rd, Westphalia, MI 48894, USA
    Apr 13, 2025, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
    PW High School Auditorium , 5101 Clintonia Rd, Westphalia, MI 48894, USA
    Everyone is invited to witness a powerful presentation of the Live Stations of the Cross. Students from the Pewamo, Fowler, and Westphalia areas will share their collective talents in this riveting performance.

​Based in the Pewamo and Westphalia area of Michigan

Providing servant leadership from Lansing to Grand Rapids MI


616 308-3282



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